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Biz Strategy No.1
[Summary] Salesforce : Data Will Drive Marketing Agendas In Times Of Uncertainty 본문
[Summary] Salesforce : Data Will Drive Marketing Agendas In Times Of Uncertainty
Energy_no.1 2020. 8. 10. 22:50Main of the article
Salesforce released the sixth edition of its State of Marketing report which revealed that, as technology drives customer expectations, Marketers in the UK have emerged as not just messengers, but engagers who foster meaningful customer relationships well beyond the first purchase.
In addition to 5G, online populations and new regulations will bring transformational impacts by 2030 but nothing is anticipated more than the new customers and prospects brought online as digital life increasingly permeats the global population.
The survey from nearly 7,000 marketing leaders across the globe, Salesforce Research deemed that the insights provided significant relevance and value to marketers as the navigate through these uncertain times.
What the Salesforce report found is that Marketing transformation takes on new urgency, Customer data sets the stage for empathetic marketing and Marketers double down on business value from people that marketing leaders from the companies in 30 countries.
First, Marketing transformation takes on new urgency.
The expectations and behaviours of customers, businesses and society are shifting with unprecedented speed and magnitude.
Second, Customer data sets the stage for empathetic marketing.
Delivering messages and offers that resonate with an individual's unique needs and expectations requiers deep insights. Therefore, marketers are shifting how they source and manage customer data and ramping up their use of technologies.
Last, Marketers double down on business value.
Marketers have a unique opportunity to turn trusted customer relationships into business value. They increasingly track metrics lik customer satisfaction, digital engagement and lifetime customer value to gain a holistic picutre of what's working and what isn't across the customer journey.
- salesforce : a team of salespeople 판매 조직
- engager : one who enters into an engagement or agreement 약속(합의)에 들어가는 사람
- anticipate : expect 예상하다, (대책을 세우기 위해) 예측하다
- permeate : If an idea, feeling, or attitude permeates a system or permeates society, it affects every part of it or is present throughout it. 스며들다, 침투하다, 퍼지다
- span : cover , over, If something spans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time relates to that whole period of time. (얼마의 기간에) 걸치다, 걸쳐 이어지다, (넓은 범위 많은 것을) 포괄하다
- continent : spanning six continents = cross, cover, span, 대륙(대륙을 포괄하여)
- deem : consider ~로 여기다, 생각하다
- dissecting : a taking apart 해부의, 절개용의
- shift : move, change etc. (장소를) 옮기다, 이동하다, 자세(견해,태도,방식)를 바꾸다, 서두르다, (위치,입장,방향의) 변화, 책임을 전가하다(타동사) 등
- unprecedented : If something is unprecendented, it has never happened before. 전례없는
- magnitude : If you talk about the magnitude of something, you are talking about its great size, scale, or importance. (엄청난) 규모(중요도) >> considerable magnitude, in manitude etc.
- forefront : at/in/to the forefront (of something) = a leading and influential position in it. 맨 앞, 선두, 가장 중요한 위치(지위)
- resonate with something : (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to be full of a particular quality or feeling ~을 상기시키다, 반향을 불러일으키다, ~의 공명을 받다
- ramp up : to increase or cause to increase(ramp something up) ~을 늘리다(증가시키다)
- triage : the process of quickly examining sick or inured people (치료 우선순위 위한) 부상자 분류
- holistic : a holistic approah to life, holistic medicine 전체론의, 전체론적 의학(치료)의
- empathetic : relating to empathy 공감하는, 이해심이 있는, 인간적인
- double down : (위험을 무릅쓰고) ~에 대한 노력/헌신을 배로 하다, 몰두하다, 전념하다, 시간/돈/노력의 투입을 배로 하다
- measure : assess, It is difficult to measure the success of the campaign at this stage. (중요성, 가치, 영향을) 판단(평가)하다, (치수, 양 등을 표준단위로) 측정하다, 조치
* refer/Link : https://e3zine.com/salesforce-data-will-drive-marketing-agendas-in-times-of-uncertainty/
Salesforce: Data Will Drive Marketing Agendas In Times Of Uncertainty - e3zine – E-3 Magazine International
Salesforce revealed that marketers in the UK have emerged as not just messengers, but engagers who foster meaningful customer relationships.
* The above article is a summary for personal practice.
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